The problem may be caused by the Bluestacks installation file not being the latest version. Method 1: Uninstall Bluestacks and download the latest version If you have these two requirements and you are still suffering from the problem, start with the different solutions that we indicate below: Therefore, before performing the steps below, make sure that you have started the installation of Bluestacks with administrator rights and that you have the. If this is the problem you are experiencing, here is how to fix the Bluestacks stuck installation on Windows : How to fix the problem: Bluestacks installation does not progress in Windows 10/8/7.Īs we have mentioned, the most common problem is when Bluestacks freezes on the installation start screen in Windows, however this problem can be due to several reasons such as not having administrator privileges or not having updated the.

Obviously, when the Bluestacks installation stops, we cannot install or use it. The most frequent problem is the freezing of the Bluestacks installation, that is, it gets stuck on the installation screen and never completes. Many users of Windows 10 have complained about the problems suffered during the installation of the Bluestacks emulator, especially on computers with Windows operating system.

However, from time to time you may also experience certain errors especially during installation. The Bluestacks program is really intuitive which makes it one of the easiest emulators to use. The emulation of a mobile phone on your computer allows you to enjoy any of the Android apps on a much larger screen as well as its operation through the keyboard of your computer and the mouse of your computer. Another of the most frequent uses is the possibility of playing video games for Smartphone on your computer. This can be very useful to use your device directly from the screen of your computer, which allows you, for example, to test mobile applications on your PC. The Bluestacks Android emulator for PC is one of the most popular and basically allows you to recreate an Android device directly on your computer. You may also be interested in: How to install Bluestacks on a Windows PC without a graphics card. The most used program for this is the popular Android Bluestacks emulator, however there are many who have problems when installing it. Among this type of user there are many who want to use their Android mobile phones from their computer, it is what is called as vitalization of an Android device on your computer. Android devices are the most widely used worldwide, which means that there are users of all kinds, from those who only use their phones for calls and messages to what they use their smartphones to play video games.