If you wanted to monitor the amount of nonpaged pool in use with PerfMon, for instance, you'd select the MmAllocatedNonPagedPool variable. The second tool is a performance monitor extension that lets you view the live values of any kernel variable. Virtually all of the debugger-based experiments in the book can be run using LiveKD, which means that you don't need a second system or a serial cable to perform them. What this means is that you launch LiveKd, specifying which debugger you want it to host, and then you enter the debugger and have available all of the debugger commands that you would if you were debugging a crash dump. The first is named LiveKD and it lets you run any of the Windows 2000 kernel debuggers (i386kd, kd, WinDbg) on a live system. Two tools I wrote specifically for the book have been very well received by the book reviewers. The book also includes a CD that has a copy of the entire SysInternals web site, plus a handful of tools we use in experiments. Like the 2nd edition, the book is full of experiments that demonstrate the concepts we describe. First, it has about 50% more content than the previous edition, and includes four brand new chapters. Now that the book is in finalized form, I can give you a rundown on what's in it. The newsletter currently has 22,000 subscribers.ĭave Solomon and I are in the final stages of wrapping up "Inside Windows 2000, 3rd Ed.", which means the book will be available in mid-August rather than late July (it wouldn't be a Microsoft product without a slip in the ship date). Welcome to the Systems Internals newsletter. Get pricing information and download a 14-day trial version at. The dynamic view, not available with any other utility, allows you to see TCP/IP activity by process in real-time. The static view shows currently opened local IP addresses, the process associated with each endpoint, and the remote IP address to which an endpoint is connected. TCPView Pro provides a dynamic view and a static view. Unlike built-in TCP/IP monitoring tools that come with Windows (such as netstat), TCPView Pro shows you which process is associated with each TCP/IP address, making it easy to determine what application is responsible for specific connections and activity. The newly released TCPView Pro allows you to monitor TCP/IP activity on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows 95/98 systems.

Winternals Software products include FAT32 for Windows NT 4.0, ERD Commander Professional Edition (advanced boot-disk capability for Windows NT), and Remote Recover. Winternals Software is the leading developer and provider of advanced systems tools for Windows NT/2K. The Systems Internals Newsletter is sponsored by Winternals Software, on the Web at. The Systems Internals Newsletter Volume 2, Number 3